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Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Knee Pain

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Knee Pain

Knee pain could be such a troublesome issue, but luckily for you, there are home remedies for knee pain that allows the individual to function without any issue. And while one can easily find knee pain home remedies online without any issue, many of them are home remedies for knee pain in old age. But while home remedies for knee pain in old age are great for people with old age, they are not knee pain home remedies for everyone. So, before you try home remedies for knee pain, you should make sure that the home remedies are also suitable for your age group.

जोड़ों का दर्द कभी-कभी जोड़ों में सूजन और जकड़न के साथ होता है। हल्के से लेकर गंभीर तक, दर्द गठिया, गाउट, मोच या जोड़ के आसपास के स्नायुबंधन और टेंडन को प्रभावित करने वाली चोट के कारण हो सकता है।

Here are some ayurvedic home remedies for knee pain that one could apply.

Ginger and Turmeric

Ginger and Turmeric

One of the most common home remedies for knee pain is ginger and turmeric. Consuming ginger and turmeric as a brew or with tea leaves is considered a top home remedies for knee pain in Hindi. You can easily find hundreds of videos of home remedies for knee pain in Hindi that advice Ginger and Turmeric. Ginger volatile oils and antioxidant turmeric works great as one of the best knee pain home remedies. Even though the taste could be unpleasant, you can rectify it by adding honey, ginger, and turmeric are some of the great leg joint pain home remedies no matter your age. It could also be considered as knee pain home remedies food.

Dandelion leaves

Dandelion Leaves

For those who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, dandelion leaves are one of the top home remedies for knee pain in Hindi, without a doubt. They are also home remedies for knee pain while climbing stairs as well. These leaves contain linoleic acid and have anti-inflammatory properties, which work as natural home remedies for knee pain. These leaves also restore damaged tissue in addition to being knee pain home remedies in India. It also boosts the immune system, so dandelion leaves are simply the best home remedies for knee pain in old age.

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Eucalyptus and Peppermint Oil

Eucalyptus and Peppermint Oil are other great leg joint pain home remedies for one to apply. They are a great pain receiver, and one can easily apply these knee pain home remedies in Indian by simply mixing them and rubbing them on and around the affected area. These knee pain home remedies bring warmth to the knees with their therapeutic oils. It is one of the best home remedies for knee pain in old age.

Blackstrap molasses

Blackstrap syrup is another knee pain home remedies in India that might surprise many of the readers. These knee pain home remedies in Hindi concoction are made by boiling sugar syrup thrice. Blackstrap molasses, one of the top knee pain home remedies, has an abundance of magnesium and calcium to strengthen the individual’s muscles and bones. It is also another of the top home remedies for knee pain in old age.

Carom seeds

Carom Seeds

Carom seeds have anti-inflammatory properties, which makes them one of the leg joint pain home remedies. This home remedies for knee pain in Hindi is especially useful in the winter season as one can easily soak their aching joints in warm water filled with carom seeds. It is also home remedies for knee pain while climbing stairs.

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Who has not heard of this magical herb? It is an ancient herd used in many ayurvedic medicines, including as leg joint pain home remedies. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which makes it a home remedies for knee pain in Hindi. This herb strengthens the joints and bones of the individual if used regularly and are a home remedies for knee pain while climbing stairs.

Naag Kesar

Naag Kesar

Joints pains are caused due by the imbalance of the Vata in the body, and one to make to get that in order to be relieved of their knee pain. Naag Kesar oil does just that, and it is the reason why it is a recommended natural home remedies for knee pain. It is able to due to that because of its Ushna properties which balance the Vata, which makes it knee pain home remedies in Hindi.


Nirgundi is another home remedies for knee pain while climbing stairs, and it is widely available as well for one to use as a leg joint pain home remedies. This herb reduces the pain and swelling, but that is not all that it does. Its anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant properties, and anti-convulsing properties benefit the knee in many ways, not just as knee pain home remedies Indian.


Kutaja is an ayurvedic herb and knee pain home remedies Indian in Hindi. Like other herbs in this list, it has to be applied directly, which then works as leg joint pain home remedies by treating the pain directly. This herb is especially useful for those with chronic knee pain.

Also Read: Benefits of Muskmelon and Side Effects in Hindi

Cider vinegar

Cider vinegar is one of the best knee pain home remedies food that can treat one’s chronic knee pain problems. By using cider vinegar as knee pain home remedies Indian in Hindi, one can treat their knee pain. Cider vinegar can be directly applied to even drink with warm water, which makes it a great home remedies for knee pain while climbing stairs.

आयुर्वेद में घुटने के दर्द के कई घरेलू उपचार हैं जो दर्द को कम करते हैं और राहत प्रदान करते हैं। घुटनों के दर्द के लिए आयुर्वेद की शक्ति चाहिए। हर बार दर्द से राहत पाने के लिए आपको क्रीम, जैल और मलहम पर निर्भर रहने की जरूरत नहीं है। आप प्राकृतिक उपचार से भी अपने घुटने के दर्द को कम कर सकते हैं। एक बार घुटने के दर्द के लिए प्रभावी आयुर्वेदिक घरेलू उपचार द्वारा जोड़ों के स्नेहन में सुधार हो जाने पर आप तेजी से ठीक हो सकते हैं। तो क्यों न घरेलू नुस्खे अपनाकर पैरों के जोड़ों के दर्द से छुटकारा पाएं? हम आयुर्वेद को एक विकल्प क्यों नहीं बना सकते?

अब ऊपर बताए गए उपायों को अपनाएं और घुटनों के दर्द से प्राकृतिक रूप से छुटकारा पाएं।

Buy Ayurvedic Products for Knee Pain

Dr Ortho Pain Relief Ayurvedic Medicine Oil

As we get older, our body’s joints begin to deteriorate, and we may eventually experience acute discomfort while moving. Dr. Ortho oil relieves joint pain, inflammation, soreness, and other joint discomfort with a calming and effective blend of 8 herbal oils. Types of Skin: All Skin Types

Dr Ortho Pain Relief Ayurvedic Medicine Oil
Knee pain home remedies

Siddhayu Painquit Joint Pain Relief Supplement

Painquit pill is a one-stop, natural, 5-fold therapy for bone and joints that supports Pain, Inflammation, Mobility, Flexibility, and Strength.
KEEP ACTIVE: Our standardised herbal extract blend helps to restore joint flexibility and encourages a healthy reaction to pain and inflammation, allowing you to maintain a physically active lifestyle.

Siddhayu Painquit Joint Pain Relief Supplement
home remedies for knee pain


Patients with impaired bodily movements or impacted major or minor joints benefit greatly from the oil. This oil is a blend of traditional formulae that helps to relieve joint pain and stiffness by releasing muscle and nerve tension and ensuring healthy blood circulation. People all around the world suffer from joint discomfort, which is one of the most common health issues.

home remedies for knee pain

Himalaya Wellness Pure Herbs Hadjod Bone & Joint Wellness

Himalaya Wellness Pure Herbs Hadjod Bone & Joint Wellness – 60 Tablet. Ortho Sure contains essential oils such as Shallaki, Nilgiri, and others. Ortho Sure pain oil, a fusion of rare herbs and oils for all skin types and ages, relieves joint and muscular pain, inflammation, soreness, and any other joint discomfort. It absorbs quickly and aids in the reduction of muscle and limb stiffness, edoema, pain, and improved mobility.

Himalaya Wellness Pure Herbs Hadjod Bone & Joint Wellness
home remedies for knee pain in old age


Ortho Sure contains essential oils such as Shallaki, Nilgiri, and others. Ortho Sure pain oil, a fusion of rare herbs and oils for all skin types and ages, relieves joint and muscular pain, inflammation, soreness, and any other joint discomfort. It absorbs quickly and aids in the reduction of muscle and limb stiffness, edoema, pain, and improved mobility.

home remedies for knee pain in hindi

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