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10 Yoga Poses for Cervical with Images

10 Yoga Poses for Cervical with Images

Neck pain is one of the most common issues that people are facing these days due to their work schedules. Most of the jobs requires sitting in front of a laptop for hours and hence the issue like cervical and others become very common among people. Yoga is a remedy that can cure any disease or body issue and hence, many people find yoga for cervical by Ramdev to be the best cure for their neck pain. There is a specially designed format that people follow while performing yoga for cervical spondylosis. There are some postures that help you relieve your neck pain and are hence called yoga for cervical spondylosis. If you are also suffering from neck pain, then there are some yoga asanas to avoid for cervical spondylosis, which you should never perform. Let’s discuss some yoga poses which are included in the yoga for cervical disc degeneration and yoga for cervical spondylitis.

We will cover in this article:

1. Ear to neck rolls
2. Seated Forward bend
3. Cross body shoulder stretch
4. Warrior pose
5. Two Footed Pose
6. Cat/Cow Stretch
7. Standing forward bend
8. Hand Clasp Behind Back
9. Surya Namaskar
10. Shalabhasana or Half-Locust Pose

1. Ear to neck rolls

This pose is the most common pose in yoga for cervical by Ramdev. Here, you need to sit in a relaxing position with your hands on your thighs. Now tuck your chin into your chest and start rolling your neck towards the right till your ear touches your shoulder. Now, try to join your head and shoulder by pushing the head towards the shoulder with the help of your hands and push the shoulder towards the head. Repeat the same pose after moving your head to the center again with the opposite side. You will feel instant relief in neck pain after trying this pose.

2. Seated Forward bend

This pose is considered one of the best workings poses in yoga for cervical spondylosis. To perform this pose one needs to sit straight with both legs extended forward. Lift your arms upwards and now hinge the hips and try to rest your body on the floor. Hold the pose for 5 minutes. For better results. This pose helps you with a lot of benefits apart from the neck pain; it also helps you relieve the menstrual discomfort and stretches your spine to relieve back pain.

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3. Cross body shoulder stretch

This is one of the classic posses to keep the neck pain away and is the yoga for cervical disc degeneration. To perform the pose, be in a simple standing or sitting position with comfort and pull your arm across your body with the help of another hand. Hold the stretch for at least three breathes and then release the pose. Always repeat with the opposite side. This releases all the tension around the neck being Yoga for cervical by Ramdev.

4. Warrior pose

This pose is also known for releasing tension from your shoulders and neck. This is also a part of yoga for cervical by Ramdev, to perform this pose, bring one foot forward and keeps another at back forming a V shape. Now lean on the front foot bending your knees towards it. Now lift up your arms and keep one in the direction of the forward foot and another and the back forming a warrior pose. Hold the pose for at least 30 seconds and then flip to get relief by Yoga for Cervical spondylitis.

5. Two Footed Pose

This pose is called the master of all for neck alignment and hence considered the best Yoga for cervical vertigo. To perform this pose, one has to lie down on the back with hands extended on sides and palms down. Now, try and lift the buttocks from the floor and keep the hands in the same position. Do not move your head while performing this asana. This helps a lot to release the tension in the neck and aligning the neck and shoulder.

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6. Cat/Cow Stretch

Cat/Cow stretch is one of the easiest stretches which give the best results among many poses in Yoga for cervical vertigo. It simply stretches the neck and shoulder to release tension. To perform this pose, one needs to start with a tabletop position and then slowly try to roll the back forward until your chin touches your chest, while doing this you will experience a significant stretch in your back and neck muscles. 

7. Standing forward bend

This Yoga Pose is really helpful in releasing all the tension and relaxing the neck and shoulders, or we should say the entire body. It is one of the main poses in yoga for cervical by Ramdev. To perform this relaxing pose. You have to stand straight and your legs should be open as per your hip-width. Now bend down and try to touch your feet or floor with your hands. Tuck your chin into your chest and hold the pose for a min.

8. Hand Clasp Behind Back

This is another pose in beginner’s yoga and is the best yoga for cervical by Ramdev. To perform this pose, sit straight and interlock your hands behind your back. Now try and push your chin towards your chest as hard as you can. Perform this pose as per your comfort level.

9. Surya Namaskar 

You can’t deny the fact that Surya Namaskar is the most effective yoga that can cure various health issues in a seamless way. When you are facing cervical problems, you can simply give it a try. 

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10. Shalabhasana or Half-Locust Pose

With gentle backstretch, this yoga pose will definitely provide you aid in relieving cervical pain. You can do it regularly and see the results in a short span of time. 

Now, you can try the above-mentioned yoga for a cervical herniated disc. Yoga has been very effective when you choose to do it right. In fact, you can also search online for yoga for cervical pain in Hindi. Since you can Google yoga for cervical in Hindi or yoga for cervical spondylosis in Hindi, you can instantly deal with the issue. 

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