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Isabgol | Isabgol Husk | Isabgol Bhusi Isabgol | Isabgol Benefits In Hindi

Isabgol husk is a beneficial herb used in treating many common health issues. It originated from Western Asia. It’s an annual herb. Indians introduced its medicinal properties from seeds collected firstly from some wild species. The herb contributes to a lot of health benefits. India is presently the major producer and ex...

Sitopaladi Churna | Sitopaladi Churna Ayurvedic | Sitopaladi Churna Benefits in Hindi

Sitopaladi Churna is an Ayurvedic nuskha that is brought to use in the handling of seasonal colds and coughs. It has beneficial anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties which aids in controlling respiratory problems. Sitopaladi churna uses are immense. This churna is usually prescribed to treat diseases like bronchitis,...


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